How many documents can I send with my plan?

Only one signature is counted by envelope, no matter the number of signatories. Each envelope represents at least one document and all the information about it (signatories, senders, etc.). You won’t lose any signature if the document is sent but not signed.

Can I exceed the limit of documents provided in my plan?

Each plan equals a number of invoices to send. However, we understand that you can have bigger needs in terms of invoicing. We thus accept a reasonable exceeding of the number of invoices included in your plan and invite you to fully use Eurosign services while respecting our reasonable use policy.

How will I be charged to use Eurosign?

A monthly plan corresponds to a monthly direct debit. If you choose the annual plan, your payment will be annualized.

Is my monthly or annual plan automatically renewed?

The monthly and yearly plans are automatically renewed so you can keep sending invoices and documents to sign without interruption.

How can I change my subscription ?

You can modify your subscription from the Eurosign interface or contact our customer service at contact@eurosign.com

What payment methods are supported?

You can fill in your credit card, Apple Pay or Google Pay information safely from the Eurosign app. Feel free to contact our support team in case you want to use any other payment method.

Any questions?

Our support team is here to answer all your questions and help you to choose the plan that best suits your needs

Contact us